Cyclotourisme à la Petite France à Strasbourg©Bartosch Salmanski
©Bartosch Salmanski

Terms of services

Re-use of the content (texts, photos and icons)

Unless otherwise indicated, content is the property of the publisher of these websites or their partners. It may not be copied or used without their permission.

We indicate copyright information concerning the images on the website. We encourage photographers to inform us if, despite the diligence and care we use in producing our websites, any omissions or errors occur.

Special copyright information concerning the icons of the interactive map: Maps Icons Collection


Information provided on

Although the authors of this website have produced it with due care, we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. It is the website users' responsibility to use the information contained on the website with caution, and to carry out all the necessary checks.

Some of the content on this website comes from a database with information supplied by third parties, under their sole responsibility.

Users who have identified errors are requested to report them to us at the following address: so that we can correct them.

The publisher of the website reserves the right to correct, modify or delete content at any time, without notice.


Contact service

helps website users and service providers (e.g. hotels and restaurants) contact each other by displaying contact information (e.g. telephone numbers, booking links, social media pages, etc.) and by sending contact forms.

Any transactions or conversations that may result from this service are the exclusive responsibility of the website user and the service provider. Consequently, no claims or disputes shall concern ARTGE or ADT in any way whatsoever.


Availability calendar

For information purposes, the availability calendar of certain accommodations is displayed. The availabilities are entered by the service providers themselves or by tourist offices, or are provided by third-party companies. It is the website users' responsibility to contact the hosts directly to check the actual availability of the accommodation.


User reviews and content of external websites features reviews from a third-part service. The website publisher is not responsible for the moderation or authenticity of the reviews.


Applicable law

These terms and conditions are subject to French law. In the event of disputes, if the parties fail to reach an out-of-court settlement, the courts of France shall have jurisdiction.

Personal Data

Alsace Destination Tourisme may process your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and the personal data protection policy of its clients, partners, and prospects, accessible here.

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Saint-Louis, FR
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